Research at Iowa State

Iowa State University’s Department of Architecture has been productively pursuing funding and receiving awards. Take a look at some of their recent progress:

Ulrike Passe, director of the ISU Center for Building Energy Research, received the 2017 Educator Award from the Iowa chapter of the American Institute of Architects. The award recognizes significant contributions to architectural education in Iowa.

Thomas Leslie is part of an international team of scholars awarded a Getty Foundation grant to pave the way for conserving Pier Luigi Nervi’s Flaminio Stadium in Rome, a threatened, mid-century architectural masterpiece. Leslie’s new book, “Beauty’s Rigor: Patterns of Production in the Work of Pier Luigi Nervi,” was published by the University of Illinois Press on Oct. 30.

Kimberly Zarecor and her multidisciplinary ISU research team received a one-year, $100,000 National Science Foundation planning grant to study “shrink-smart” communities in Iowa and develop tools to help all small and shrinking communities plan for population loss and mitigate its negative effects.