Call for Proposals: Host Institution for ARCC 2025 & 2026 Conferences



Request for 2025 & 2026 Proposals: Application Deadline: October 31, 2023

ARCC is an International organization dedicated to advancing architectural and environmental design research to improve the quality of life in the designed environment. Each year the Architectural Research Centers Consortium holds a pivotal international conference on architectural research, broadly and inclusively defined. To fulfill its mission, the ARCC conferences are held in partnership with an academic host institution. Every other year, ARCC partners with EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) and holds a joint US-EU conference. Recent conference hosts and locations include:

2024: Aarhaus University, Denmark (EAAE-ARCC)
2023: Texas Tech University, Texas (ARCC)
2022: Florida International University, Miami (ARCC-EAAE)
2021: University of Arizona, Tucson (ARCC)
2020: Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (EAAE-ARCC)
2019: Ryerson University, Toronto (ARCC)
2018: Temple University, Jefferson University, and Drexel University, Philadelphia (ARCC-EAAE)
2017: University of Utah, Salt Lake City (ARCC)
2016: Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal ( EAAE-ARCC)

ARCC invites proposals from member schools to either host the 2025 ARCC International Conference or the 2026 ARCC-EAAE International Conference. Letters of Interest and Intent should meet the guidelines detailed in the linked document here.


  1. The deadline for receiving Letters of Interest and Intent is 5:00 pm (PDT), October 31, 2023.
  2. Use the Google form at the link below to submit the Letters of Intent and Interest:
  3. Upon acceptance of the proposal, the ARCC Board of Directors may request further information that includes additional details about the venue, technical support, accommodation structure, proposed budget, local travel, and accommodations.
  4. The Final decision on the ARCC 2025 & 2026 conference host is expected by December 1, 2023.


For further questions, please contact ARCC President, Adil Sharag Eldin,