Call for Presenters: The Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture


Big data can lead to a new science of how humans behave in structured environments. It is an opportunity to answer age-old questions about why certain architectural forms more successfully facilitate social interaction, delight, physiological and mental health, as well as cognitive efficiency and work performance. One goal of this year’s conference is to bring together researchers in diverse communities all interested in how buildings and people interact: structurally, physiologically, socially and cognitively.

Our sensor data comes from: (1) Quantified Buildings (QB), (2) Quantified Self (QS), and (3) Internet of Things (IoT).  From quantified buildings we might learn how light, sound, air quality, and wireless performance changes throughout a building move and see how changes outside move through interior shapes.  We might learn about occupant behavior: where they move, when they sit, where, for how long, in what social units, the sounds they make and when they turn lights on and off.  We might correlate these parameters with physiological, mental and neural data derived from QS.  How do people react to changes in light, the presence of other people as a function of spatial structure?  We might further correlate QB and QS parameters with IoT behavior of devices (mobile or laptop), various machines, and furniture. How would this affect our perceptions and expectations of privacy in public spaces? All this new data is bound to inform our understanding of how architectural form interacts with neurocognition.

While ANFA remains open to all research that applies brain science as a basis for understanding the impact of building design on occupants, you are encouraged for this conference to incorporate the theme of big data in your submission abstract.

For more info, click here.