The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) are pleased to announce a partnership dedicated to the INTERSECTION of Education, Research and Practice. This conference is intended to strengthen the intersection between academia and design practice, especially when it comes to research and innovation, focused on climate action and carbon management strategies. Attendees will gain an increased awareness of research happening in both academia and design practice. The conference will create opportunities for new partnerships, sources of funding and collaborations. It will be a chance for both established researchers as well as those looking to enhance their research capabilities, with sessions, breakouts, workshops and networking events.

CONFERENCE DATES: October 1-3, 2020
LOCATION: Building 7R, Penn State at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia, PA
HOST SCHOOL: Pennsylvania State University, Institutes for Energy and the Environment
CHAIRS: Corey T. Griffin, Pennsylvania State University, Erica Cochran Hameen, Carnegie Mellon University

As architects and educators, we should be continually asking ourselves if current architectural practices and tools are enough to radically reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere associated with buildings. If not, what research is needed to shift the practice of architecture to restore and regenerate the earth’s systems that we have so critically impacted.

 For this conference, there will be two main tracks focused on short-term and long-term strategies for managing carbon.

Topics included under SHORT-TERM CARBON MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES include but are not limited to:

  •  building materials and construction
  • adaptive reuse and deep energy retrofits
  • embodied carbon accounting and life cycle analysis
  • commissioning, post-occupancy evaluations and the role of building occupants

Topics included under LONG-TERM CARBON MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES include but are not limited to:

  • climate responsive design in a time of shifting and unreliable climates
  • transition to electricity-based systems, on-site renewables and preparing for a decarbonized electrical grid
  • how to best reduce fossil fuel-based energy use through design
  • reliability and utility of energy modeling, predicted Energy Use Intensity (pEUI), and energy benchmarking

Across both of the tracks, we invite all submissions to address one or more of the following measures from the AIA Framework for Design Excellence including: Design for Energy, Design for Economy and Design for Equitable Communities.

ELIGIBILITY: Educators, Practitioners, Researchers and Students are all encouraged to submit.



  • Paper: abstract (500-words max), title (100-characters max) & endnotes (optional: 250-word max)
  • Images: No more than 3 images (optional: jpg)
  • All abstracts must be prepared for anonymous review (remove author/contributor names and affiliation identification).
  • Submissions must report on recently completed work and cannot have been previously published or presented in public, except to a regional audience.
  • Submissions must be written in English.
  • An author may present no more than one paper at the conference.


Following the blind peer-review process, the conference co-chairs make final acceptance decisions. All authors will be notified of the status of their submission and will receive comments from their reviewers. Final acceptance of abstracts translates to presentation at the conference and inclusion in the Proceedings. Sessions will be composed of three to four accepted authors allowing for both scholarly and applied research to demonstrate impact. Accepted abstracts will be invited to expand on their research and submit a full paper, post-conference, to be included in the conference Proceedings.

 Authors accepted to present at the conference will be required to complete a copyright transfer form and agree to present the paper/project at the conference before it is published. It is ACSA policy that accepted authors must pay full conference registration in order to be included in the conference presentation and Proceedings.

SUBMIT & LEARN MORE HERE: https://www.acsa-arch.org/conference/2020-aia-acsa-intersections-research-conference/