Postdoctoral Fellowship at University of Michigan

The Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan invites postdoctoral candidates to join us in building tomorrow.  Recent doctoral degree holders (within the past five years) with the capacity to translate innovation in digital and material technologies into building sector practices; improve health outcomes through design research; model sustainable urban strategies; or generate historical and theoretical knowledge for a multicultural and global discipline are invited to apply. We are particularly interested in emerging scholars who can contribute to our project of remaking academia and practice through academic innovation, and who can contribute to the university’s diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda.

Expectations include teaching two courses per year, public dissemination of research findings through conference presentations and/or publications, an on-campus panel or symposium, and participation in grant-seeking efforts, potentially in concert with other faculty at Taubman College and the University of Michigan.

Applications are due by January 8th, 2018.

Applying is a two-step process.

First:   Applicants should submit the following electronically via this Box link: . All materials should be formatted in a single pdf file not to exceed 40 pages. Name convention for pdf file: _lastname_firstname_ fellowshipname.

  • Cover letter
  • CV
  • Research proposal (2 pages)
  • Dissertation abstract and work samples (a hyperlinked outline or a pdf)
  • Three professional references

Second: Please an application via the University of Michigan Career website at the following link: Job ID: 149788. This site will not allow you to upload your portfolio.

The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.