The Department of Architecture & Interior Design at the School of Architecture & Design invites applications for a Full-Time faculty position in History and Theory of Architecture.
For more information on the program, check the link below:
Minimum Requirements: Candidates to this post must have a minimum of a PhD in Architectural History or a closely related field, in addition to teaching experience. PhD candidates may be considered as well.
Duration of position: This position will open in Fall 2018, which starts end of August 2018, and is renewed on a yearly basis according to the university bylaws.
Candidates should apply electronically by sending a letter of intent outlining their particular design pedagogy, a CV with names of 3 references, and the following:
- Teaching portfolio with examples of syllabi, students work [PDF format, max. 15 pages]
- Research Portfolio with samples of publications [PDF format, max. 15 pages]
The application should be sent by email to:, specifying the job title in the subject line.
Applications deadline: October 31, 2017
Notifications will be sent by: November 20, 2017
The Lebanese American University is an Equal Opportunity Employer operating in Lebanon under a charter from the Regents of the State University of New York.
Information about the University can be found at