Call for Papers – UK Association of Architectural Educators

The Call for Papers for the fifth international peer reviewed conference of the UK Association of Architectural Educators is now open.

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 12 December 2018.


The Conference will be hosted by the University of Westminster on 24-26 April 2019.

sign up here to receive updates about the conference and the aae.

Conference website – Learning through Practice: the aae conference 2019

The conference invites contributions on the theme of learning through practice, considering both the signature traditions of studio-based teaching and alternative emerging models of architectural education.

There are three types of contribution: peer reviewed papers, reports from professional practice, and proposals to run a conference discussion or debate panel.

Contributions should respond to the following themes:

  • Reflections on… alternative or marginalised models of architectural education from the distant and recent past. This will be a space to rediscover and critically engage with radical and alternative practices and periods of experimentation from the history of studio teaching.
  • Innovation from… the professional and creative worlds. What are reflective and critical practices and how do they nurture creative thinking, learning and innovation?
  • Speculation about…the future shape of architectural education beyond current trends and innovations. What would a radical rethinking of architectural education look like?

Visit for full details of the conference and the call