April 12-15, 2023 I DALLAS I Hosted by Texas Tech University
Conference Co-Chairs: Saif Haq and Zahra Safaverdi
1217 Main Street (2020), 5G Studio Collaborative, Dallas, TX (photo credit: Adam Mork)
An important part of the mission of ARCC is to support the production and dissemination of graduate student research. ARCC is pleased to offer a limited number of graduate student scholarships to attend ARCC 2023. The Scholarship will cover the cost of student full registration and $500 in travel funds.
To apply, please complete the following application form by the deadline: ARCC 2023 Graduate Student Scholarship Application_
The application deadline: November 14, 2022.
Graduate students from the following universities were past recipients of an ARCC Graduate Student Scholarship:
Clemson University
Kent State University
Pennsylvania State University
Texas A & M University
Texas Tech University
University of Calgary
University of Kansas
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Oregon
ARCC 2023 International Conference
Wednesday-Saturday, April 12-15, 2023
Direct Inquires to:
Adil Sharag-Eldin
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