ARCC 2019 Submission Deadlines Extended

Monday, 01/21/19           Deadline for  submissions

In the world of increasing complexity and competing ideas, approaches, resources and techniques, how does architecture mediate these tensions?  What is the role of academics and researchers in developing research outcomes that are meaningful and measurable?  What is the role of practicing designers (architects, engineers and scientists) in developing an applied research agenda in architecture?

The ARCC 2019 Toronto Conference wishes to explore applied or practice-based research in architecture.

RMIT professor Laurene Vaughan’s 2017 book, “Practice-based Design Research”, argued for the validity and importance of practice-based design research.  In the same book, Cameron Tonkinwise of Carnegie Mellon University apologized for practice-based design’s “defensive insularity as it tried to shore up its epistemological claims throughout the 2000s”.   He concludes that applied or practice-based design research, today, has a valid and important status as a discipline:  “This means that the practice of expert designing involves precisely the sorts of meta-cognitive, processual knowledges that characterize a discipline.

The conference seeks the identification, definition, positioning, defense and formalization of applied research as a bridge between theory and practice in the future praxis of architecture.  This call is for papers on research, scholarship and professional/creative work.


Monday, 08/21/18           Call for submission issued

Monday, 10/22/18           Deadline for submitting abstracts for full papers and posters

Monday, 11/12/18           Preliminary confirmation of accepted abstracts for full papers and posters

Monday, 01/21/19           Deadline for plenary session and PhD workshop submissions

Monday, 01/21/19           Deadline for full papers submissions

Monday, 02/18/19           Acceptance confirmation for full papers, plenary session, and PhD workshop

Monday, 03/18/19           Deadline for submission of final papers, and posters

Wednesday-Saturday, 05/29-6/1/19 Conference in Toronto