Call for Abstracts

March 2-5, 2022   I   MIAMI   I   Hosted by Florida International University

Conference Co-Chairs: Marilys Nepomechie and Shahin Vassigh

Call for Abstracts***Due June 15, 2021***
Create an account and upload abstract submission here: Conftool ARCC-EAAE 2022

The conference invites abstract submissions of research from academics and practitioners in architecture and related design fields addressing one or more of the conference topics. Selection of papers and posters will be based on a two-stage, double-blind peer review process.

Abstracts are limited to 300 words. Please identify the following in the abstract:

  • problem definition: the purpose of the study and research question(s) and/or problem(s) identified
  • method of research or investigation: the research mode or process conducted for the study
  • research outcomes: major findings or discoveries as a result of the method(s) employed in the study
  • conclusion: a summation of the results and interpretations of the study

Omit author(s) identification in the submission of the abstract.

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